NewtDb(tm) - The Relational Database for Newton(tm)(sm) ------------------------------------------------------- NewtDb is a relational database for Newton for fast information retrieval. It has separate screens and databases. You can define the layout of screens for displaying information and define different databases to hold the data. NewtDb's relational capabilities allow retrieving data from multiple databases at once and also displaying relational data in a list view. NewtDb has NCK support for data import and export from Mac or PC databases, supports records numbers and record modification flags. Other means of data transfer to and from the desktop are also supported. NewtDb can be registered at two levels: 4/8 (Db's/Screens) and 64/999. The reason for the reduced Db/Screen version is lower cost to people that may only need support of 4 database and 8 screens. Otherwise, they are the same in all aspects and the database and screens created in one may be used in the other without regard. This version of NewtDb is DEMO / Shareware. All features of NewtDb are enabled. There is a 45 day time limit for demoing this version. After 45 days, if unregistered, it will expire. Please be sure to have your Newton's clock set correctly before installing as setting it ahead isn't allowed ! What are all those packages and files ? ----------------------------------------- Mac / PC: NewtDb.pkg / NewtDb.pkg - The Database program itself. UtilityDb.pkg / Utilit.pkg - For defining Screens and Databases. DemoDb.pkg / Demo.pkg - Makes two sample Screens and Databases. XferDb.pkg / XferDb.pkg - Transfer of database records to/from desktop. RegisterDb-4.pkg / Reg4.pkg - For registering NewtDb-4/8 so it doesn't expire after 45 days. RegisterDb-16.pkg / Reg16.pkg - For registering NewtDb-64/999 (or older 16/32) so it doesn't expire after 45 days. BarCodeDb.pkg / BarDb.pkg - Barcode / Serial module for input to fields. SoupMover.pkg / Soupmove.pkg - Enabling Filing of soups for NOS 2.x Newton devices and showing all soups in NBU/NCU. NewtDb Manual / NewtDb.doc - The users guide for operation of NewtDb (MS Word 5.0 format) . UtilityDb Manual / Utilit.doc - The users guide for defining Screens and Databases (MS Word 5.0 format). Registration / REGISTER.TXT - This document (plain text format). Release Notes / NOTES.TXT - Release Notes / other information. DbFixer.pkg / DbFixer.pkg - For fixing certain soup errors (see Release Notes) in NOS 1.x only. Installing NewtDb ----------------- As with any new program, please backup your Newton before installing. Use the NCK/NBU/NCU or Package Downloader to install NewtDb, UtilityDb and DemoDb. After installing, run the DemoDb application. It will make two sample screens and databases for you to examine. Now run NewtDb to see the sample screens. Use UtilityDb to examine the screens and databases. You must have at least 40k of free heap memory to use all the packages. The number and complexity of screens, databases and record sizes are dependent on how much free heap and storage memory you have. There is no guarantee expressed or implied that you can use all the capabilities of NewtDb or UtilityDb. Please read the documentation for complete details on using NewtDb and UtilityDb. What if I forget to pay the Shareware Fee ? ------------------------------------------- NewtDb will only work for 45 days after you install in your Newton if it is not registered. None of your data or screens are deleted, you just can't use NewtDb until you register. If I upgrade to the 64/99 version later, will all my data be transferable ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes. The data format is compatible. You will not have to redefine or reenter anything. How do I Register the Shareware version or pay for an expanded version ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This program is Shareware $29.95. ($59.99 for the full version). On Compuserve, it's SWREG ID #7012 for the .sit version and SWREG ID #7013 for the .zip version. To register the 64/999 version on Compuserve, just do a Qty = 2. You can register on the WWW via the Kagi Shareware Service. DMP Systems has a Kagi vendor code of S5 and you can access a secure server at htts:// or for an unsecured server. The latest links to Kagi are on my webpage: . There you will also find the Register program for Newton, Macintosh and Windows. Other forms of payment are by check, cash, money order. All prices are stated in US dollars. Orders from outside the US may be paid in any major cash currency, but not checks. Versions of NewtDb ------------------------ The DEMO / Shareware version allows only four Databases and eight Screens to used at any one time. For more Screens and Databases, there is an other version of NewtDb: Sixty Four Databases / Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Screens - $59.95 Why the different versions: To lower the cost for the average user. I could have just made one version (64/999), but the price might be too high. Therefore, I'm making a Shareware version available at lower cost. Unlocking NewtDb ------------------ Quite simple. After I receive your Registration or other form of payment, I will send or email you the unlock code. The unlock code is based on the name that you have entered into Newton. Run the correct RegisterDb application. Enter the code and then press the Register button. Your code entry will be confirmed. After registering, your name will be shown on the startup screen of NewtDb. Note: There are two different NewtDb register programs. One for 4/8 and the other for 64/999 (16/32). USe the correct one. For NOS 2.x users, be sure the correct Owner is selected by doing a Print in the NotePad to see the selected Owner displayed at the top left corner of the envelope. In all cases, NewtDb checks for registration upon running. You Newton's Name must be set for what it was registered for. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NewtDb v1.30 Registration / Order Form Name _________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________ City _________________________________________________ State _________________________________________________ Zip _________________________________________________ Other _________________________________________________ Newton Name______________________________________________ (for unlock code: NOS 1.x = extras->prefs->personal->name NOS 2.x Owner Info->Owner: Name = First & Last) Email Address ____________________________________________ Please indicate NewtDb version and quantity: 4 Databases and 8 Screens $29.95 _________ 64 Database / 999 Screens $59.95 _________ Disk for above (not required) $ 5.00 _________ (circle: Mac / PC) Printed Documentation (not required) $ 7.00 _________ Total: ____________ Please make checks payable to DMP Systems. Send to: David M. Pompea DMP Systems 62 Brittany cir Rochester, NY 14618 Allow two weeks for delivery of disk or manual. Unlock codes are generated within 72 hours. Email me if you don't hear from me within four days. Support and Updates ------------------- On-line support is available via Compuserve and internet. Electronic updates can be provided via CIS, AOL and internet for six months after purchase without charge. After six months a small charge may be asked. Updates via floppy disk are available also. Updates may also be found at DMP Systems web site: Credits ------- Many thanks to Tom Bahensky, Larry Gitchell, Mike Detlefsen, Andrew Lee Sheward, Myles Bruns and many others for extensive beta testing and feature suggestions. Distribution: ------------ NewtDb v1.xx(4) DEMO/Shareware version may be freely distributed on any non-profit media and/or Information services (this includes disks, Compuserve, AOL etc.) under the condition that the programs and documentation shall not be altered in any way, shape or form and the ORIGINAL file containing this software and documentation is used. Commercial distribution is prohibited. Any company wishing to include this in a shareware type disk, CD or other form or sell it shall need to contact me and agree to any additional terms and conditions. Any form of distribution, except for on-line services, must contact me to obtain permission. Any on-line service that I don't personally send this shall notify me that it has been uploaded to it so that I may know where it is and let you know of any updates. The Legal Stuff: ---------------- DISCLAIMER. No warranty, express or implied, is made with respect to this software, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. I do not warrant that the function of the software will meet customers requirements, or will operate in the manner desired by customer or that the software shall be error free. I shall not, under any circumstance, be liable to customer or third party for any special, incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to the loss of data or information of any kind, loss of profit, or liability to third parties, however caused, whether by the act or negligence, of use or inability to use or otherwise. It is recognized that the equipment this software is used on contains memories or data or other things that may be valuable to the customer or a third party. In no event shall I be liable to the customer or any third party if any such data or memory or other things are lost or changed or destroyed, regardless of the cause of any such loss or change or destruction, directly or indirectly arising from customers use misuse or inability to use the software either separately or in conjunction with other equipment. Who owns this Software: ---------------------- The programs in this package is licensed, not sold to you, when you pay a Shareware fee of $29.95US or $59.95US. You have 45 days to evaluate the programs before you must decide to send the shareware fee or stop using it. The program remains owned by DMP Systems. The program and documentation are Copyright © 1994,1996,1997 DMP Systems, all rights reserved. You may use the program only on one Newton at a time. No copies of this software shall be made except for backup needs. If you transfer ownership of this software, all copies of this software shall be destroyed and a transfer fee will be imposed. This software may not be disassembled , reverse engineered or altered. This documentation is copyrighted by DMP Systems and may not be reproduced or copied by any means including, but not limited to photocopier, computer, transcribed, verbal, or any other way. NewtDb and related programs were developed using the Newton Toolkit, which is Copyright © 1992-1994 Apple Computer, Inc. DMP Systems accepts no responsibility or liability for the product or what it might do to your Newton. You use this program at your own risk! Newton and NTK are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. "The Relational Database for Newton" is a Service Mark of DMP Systems. NewtDb is a Trademark of DMP Systems. Product specifications and prices subject to change. Not responsible for typographic errors and omissions. Thanks for reading all the way to the end! Comments & Questions (checks / cash / SWREG) to: David M. Pompea DMP Systems 62 Brittany Circle Rochester, NY 14618 USA email: CIS: 74736,172 Internet: WWW: Other Newton Programs by DMP Systems ------------------------------------ No Sleep - The best program to keep Newton from sleeping when powered by the A/C Adapter. It doesn't patch or do funky stuff to Newton. No Sleep also lets you download YOUR Startup and Shutdown sounds, Smart Sleep times via power level. Note: Sound download only for Macs (at this time). NOS 1.x and 2.0 only. Shareware: $10 App Memory - Lets you clean up memory from the heap that other programs leave behind thus helping with low memory situations. NOS 1.x only. Shareware: $10 Sysbeep - Lets Newton say "Uh Oh" or "What the Hell" when an alert box is shown. It replaces the normal system beep sound. NOS 1.x only. Freeware Ttime - The smallest digital clock for the Newton that stays on the screen anywhere, on top of all other programs. Freeware Time & Temp. - Speaks the time and temperature (temp. only on OMP & Newton 100). Freeware Salad - Lets your Calendar display Julian dates and Week #'s. NOS 1.x only. Shareware: $10 PW Dial - Lets you enter a Password with a key pad on your 100 / 110 (v2.0 is not for 120's v2.3 to be released soon.). Makes touch tone dial tones louder, TT dial pad, theft alarm and more. NOS 1.x only. Shareware: $10 Modem Modifier - Lets you alter the Modem Setup parameters for non-Apple modem for Newton. Change the configuration strings and other options. Shareware: $10 ++Volume - Increase the level at which phone touch tones are played. NOS 2.x only. Shareware: $10 Sound to Soup - Transform a NotePad recording into a soup to use is as a System sound. Shareware: $10 DSR-1 - Record Notes without opening the lid. Use the Power Switch. All sorts of options including Auto Play Back. NOS 2.x only. Shareware: $15